, Serving your home, farm and garden needs since 1890.

Wild Birds

Bird Song Identiflyer

Bird BathsFeeds & RecommendationsBaffles & GuardsBird Feeder, Bird House Poles And AccessoriesAccessoriesBooksBird Song IdentiflyerRodent Free BirdfeedingTrap Flying Moths in feedSeed Containers

Who's Singing That Song?

Finally, a way to solve the mystery... The Birdsong Identiflyer plays back digital birdsong recordings from interchangeable SongCards to help you learn to identify birds by their songs. Over 100 Birds and Their Songs are Organized on 12 Interchangeable SongCards Simply slide in another SongCard to change bird species. A must for bird fans of all ages and expertise!

Bird Song Identiflyer
The Birdsong Identiflyer Includes:
* 2 Songcards (20 Bird Songs from Yard Bird Series 1 & 2)
* 3 AAA Batteries
* Earphone
* Guide Book


Cooler Carrying Case
The NEW Cooler CarryingCase makes it easier to bring the IdentiFlyer with you on bird walks. It has an adjustable shoulder strap and a zipper closure. Individual pockets for 16 SongCards make it simple to select the one you need. Handy, sturdy, convenient - The perfect addition to complete your IdentiFlyer System.

New! Alarm Clock Identiflyer
Now you can awaken to the gentle serenade of beautiful bird songs every morning.
If you are not awake when the Robins sings......
you will be when the Rooster crows!
It's portable, move it from the bedroom to the den or kitchen and it will sing a bird song every hour.
The clock measures 7�" x 3�" x 3�".
You can select and play individual bird songs.
Insert any of the other 13 SongCards. This means you can learn, and be entertained by any of the other 130 birds and frogs in our collection.

not avialable until after the first of the year

Song Cards - Songbirds of the South
Hear all of these...
* Wood Stork
* Swallow-Tailed Kite
* Common Ground Dove
* Red-Cockaded Woodpecker
* Brown-headed Nuthatch
* Hooded Warbler
* Summer Tanager
* Blue Grosbeak
* Painted Bunting
* Bachman's Sparrow

Song Cards - Fabulous Frogs
Hear all of these...
* Eastern Spadefoot
* American Toad
* Green Treefrog
* Grey Treefrog
* Spring Peeper
* Upland Chorus Frog
* Bull Frog
* Wood Frog
* Northern Leopard Frog
* Green Frog

Song Cards - Yardbirds (Eastern)
Hear all of these...
* Rusty-throated Hummingbird
* Blue Jay
* Tufted Titmouse
* Carolina Wren
* Eastern Bluebird
* Wood Thrush
* Gray Catbird
* Eastern Towhee
* White-throated Sparrow
* Common Grackle

Song Cards - Yardbirds (Western)
Hear all of these...
* Steller's Jay
* Black-billed Magpie
* Beckwick's Wren
* Western Bluebird
* Spotted Towhee
* White-crowned Sparrow
* Dark-eyed Junco
* Black-headed Grosbeak
* Yellow-headed Blackbird
* Bullock's Oriole

Song Cards - Birds of the Night
Hear all of these...
* Black-crowned Night Heron
* American Woodcock
* Barn Owl
* Eastern Screech Owl
* Western Screech Owl
* Great Horned Owl
* Barred Owl
* Common Nighthawk
* Whip-poor-will
* Northern Mockingbird

Song Birds - Field & Meadow
Hear all of these...
* Northern Harrier
* American Kestral
* Ring-necked Pheasant
* Northern Bobwhite
* Killdeer
* Upland Sandpiper
* Field Sparrow
* Bobolink
* Eastern Meadowlark
* Western Meadowlark

Song Birds - Forest
Hear all of these...
* Broad-winged Hawk
* Ruffed Grouse
* Great Horned Owl
* Pileated Woodpecker
* Eastern Wood-Pewee
* Great Crested Flycatcher
* Red-eyed Vireo
* Hermit Thrush
* Ovenbird
* Scarlet Tanager

Song Cards - Forest Edge
Hear all of these...
* Sharp-shinned Hawk
* Red-tailed Hawk
* Yellow-billed Cuckoo
* Least Flycatcher
* White-eyed Vireo
* Brown Thrasher
* Yellow Warbler
* Yellow-breasted Chat
* Rose-breasted Grosbeak
* Indigo Bunting

Song Cards - Lakes & Rivers
Hear all of these...
* Common Loon
* Great Blue Heron
* Tundra Swan
* Canada Goose
* Mallard
* Common Merganser
* Osprey
* Bald Eagle
* Ring-billed Gull
* Belted Kingfisher

Song Birds - Sea Shore
Hear all of these...
* Black-bellied Plover
* American Oystercatcher
* Greater Yellowlegs
* Willet
* Sanderling
* Laughing Gull
* Herring Gull
* Royal Tern
* Common Tern
* Black Skimmer

Song Cards - Marsh & Wetlands
Hear all of these...
* Pied-billed Grebe
* American Battern
* Green Heron
* Wood Duck
* Virginia Rail
* Common Moorhen
* American Coot
* Spotted Sandpiper
* Marsh Wren
* Swamp Sparrow

Song Cards - The CallingCard
(Bird Attracting Calls)
Hear all of these...
* Eastern Screech Owl
Whinney Call
* Eastern Screech Owl
* Western Screech Owl
* Carolina Wren
Alarm Call
* Northern Mockingbird
Alarm Call
* American Robin
Alarm Call

Woodpecker Songcard
You asked for got it! Our newest SongCard features the Ivory-billed Woodpecker and includes both knocks and calls.
Order Line: 1-877-463-6697

131 Eaton St.
Lawrenceville, GA 30045
(770) 963-6183 | Fax: (770) 963-9477 | Order Line: 877-463-6697
Store Hours (Eastern): M-F: 8:00-5:30, Sat: Closed, Sun: Closed